Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I signed up for an account and received an email with a user name. Is this my customer number?
A: Yes, your user name and customer number are the same. If you haven't received an email, check your junk or spam folder.
Q: I signed up for an account but haven't ordered anything yet. Do I need to sign up again?
A: No. One initial sign up is all you need to do. Once you've received a Customer number, that is always your number.
Q: I ordered an item and it was confirmed delivered by the carrier but I haven't received an email from Hagen's of Blaine yet. What can I do?
A: To check to see if the parcel is logged in yet, you may access your account at Additionally, 24 hours after delivery you can bring in the tracking number and we can search the system for the package.
Q: My parcel is scheduled to arrive today. Can I pick it up today?
A: Parcels are not ready for pick up until they are scanned into the system. Although it is rare we do not get everything scanned in by end of day, we still cannot guarantee same day pick up as delivery due to high volume.
Q: I ordered a parcel under my friends account but they haven't gotten an email notification yet. Is it there?
A: If you have ordered under an account your name is not on, an account will be created for you when the parcel arrives. Therefore, no email notifications will be sent out. Additionally, the head of the account is the only person authorized to make changes to the account. If friends are ordering under the account, we ask that they add them PRIOR to ordering.
Q: I addressed my parcel to HOB with my customer number but have not received notification yet. Do you have my parcel?
A: If it is addressed to HOB with only a customer number (no name) it will get scanned into our HOB account. This will protect your parcel in case the shipper makes an error when entering the account/customer number. To pick the parcel up, simply bring the tracking number into Hagen's of Blaine. Please note, there is a $2.50 transfer fee for incorrectly addressed packages.
Q: I'm not able to come down within the 45-day time frame. (i.e. I was on vacation. My NEXUS card expired. My passport expired...) Will I still have to pay storage fees?
A: Yes. Although these are all valid reasons for not being able to pick up within a certain time frame, in fairness to all of our customers, we must keep our policies in place. We do not vary from any of our policies for any reason.
Q: I cannot make it down to pick up my parcels. Can a friend pick them up for me?
A: Yes. Just send them in with the confirmation email either printed or on a smart phone. Also, you may have up to 3 additional names on your account that are always authorized to pick up for you. We can add those names to your account at any time.
Q: I've been expecting an envelope (i.e. rebate, credit card, etc...) and haven't gotten notification. How do I know if it is there?
A: We no longer accept general delivery letter mail. To receive letter mail and/or magazines you must rent a private mailbox. If you do not have a private mailbox the letter would be returned to the sender. If the letter is sent with tracking it will be logged into your account like a package.
Q: I got tied up at the border. The wait was longer than I expected. Will someone still be there after closing?
A: No. As with any other type of business, Hagen's of Blaine has set hours. We open on time and close on time.
Thank you for understanding.
Hagen's of Blaine Inc. Hours:
M-F 9am-5pm
Sat. 9am-1pm
Closed Sun & 2024 Holidays
Holiday Closures
Please see Holiday Closure tab for current list of holiday closures.
Packages are available for pickup when a confirmation email from HOB has been received.
(Not a delivery notification from the shipper or carrier).
If a package has been delivered and is not yet logged into the system, it is not available
for pickup.
If someone else is picking up your shipment they must have the email confirmation you received,
or original invoice with tracking number. Additionally, you may have up to 3 separate names authorized to pick up on your account at any time.
After 45 days of scan in date storage Fees Start at $0.50 a day per package for packages 44lbs and under, and $1.00
for packages 45lbs and up.
Tire storage fees start after 7 days at $1.00 per day.
Pallet storage fees start after 7 days. The fees are $2 per day for standard pallets and $4 per day for oversize pallets.
If not picked up in 90 days of scan in date the item will be disposed of.
Retain your tracking number(s) until you have received your package. If you should have a package that is overdue, we will need your:
Customer number
Exact shipper info,
and the tracking number.
Type your paragraph here.
Type your paragraph here.
Copyright Hagens of Blaine. All rights reserved.